Monday, August 20, 2007

the relevance of strip clubs!

It’s interesting how news of Kevin Rudd entering a strip club FOUR YEARS AGO has only just become public knowledge now with the upcoming election. Musings that Alexander Downer’s office unveiled the news are being questioned. The whole affair is rather aggravating, it’s not as though the situation is at all reflected in Rudd’s work life. If claims that Alexander Downer’s office released the news are true, it just goes to show how sketchy that office really is- having to go back four years to draw attention to the most minor of personal incidents definitely qualifies as scraping the barrel.

I’m not sure that the news of Rudd going to a strip club will actually influence voter’s opinions to a harmful degree; it doesn’t affect his qualities as a politician, hopefully the public will realise this.

I saw a blog on the Sydney Morning Herald web page that spoke of Rudd and Howard both playing the role of the ‘underdog’. There was an opinion poll that accompanied the blog and most seemed to think that Howard is the real underdog and Rudd is pretending. I can’t see the intelligence in playing ‘underdog’. It would be wiser to show certainty as a politician and strength as a party.

I was asked to write whether I think blogs will influence the election. My first reaction was no, people will form their own thoughts and blogs are just opinion pieces! But then I realised, many people are greatly influenced by what they read and this is the scary thing about blogs- people can write anything.
The truth is, people with steady and educated opinions are not likely to sway over a blog, it is the easily influenced that could. Really, what to believe is up to the individual. Take for example Ayn Rand, who wrote fantastic political novels, ‘The Fountainhead and ‘Atlas Shrugged’. I certainly don’t agree with everything she had to say, she was extreme and some of her opinions are outdated. However, she did have some great points (and she was an amazing writer.) This is an example of how you don’t have to believe everything one person writes, but you can choose their strong points and concentrate on these. I’ll leave you with a couple of Rand’s ideas that shone through in those fantastic novels. You should consider these before voting:
-You should be good at what you do and take pride in your work (politicians included)
-You should never live for the sake of another human being (or vote for the sake of one!)

P.S. They’re making Atlas Shrugged into a movie with Angelina Jolie- this is something of a crime. PLEASE read the book first.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Posting

Why hello!

This post is really just a test run, but now that I have your attention, hope you're having a wonderful day/night (depending on when you read this).

All the best!
